Shoulder pain is a very common complaint. Unfortunately, shoulder surgery can be difficult due to the complexity of the joint and has poorest post-surgery outcome data unlike any other joint in our body.
Individuals suffering from shoulder pain due to common injuries of the rotator cuff and shoulder labrum, as well as those facing shoulder replacement due to arthritis and other degenerative problems may be excellent candidates for regenerative therapy.
Initial first line treatment for shoulder injuries is to rest the shoulder, trying over the counter pain medications and physical rehab. More involved options range from intraarticular steroid injections to surgical debridement or repair.
Stem cell therapy is a minimally invasive regenerative treatment that is being used to treat shoulder pain with minimal downtime.


Neck and back pain is extremely common condition affecting 80% people at some point in their life.
Most people with back or neck pain improve over time with first line conservative treatment like stretching, exercise, physical therapy, chiropractor manipulation, along with taking over the counter Anti-inflammatory medications.
Next step is trying Epidural steroid injections if they failed conservative treatment and continue to experience neck, or back pain. Many a times Epidural injections doesn’t help or only provide short lived relief especially you are having Degenerative disc disease.
Every year, millions of people with back injuries, neck injuries, and pain undergo extensive spine surgeries. Frequently, surgery does not give you outcome you planned to achieve, and they are left with other painful conditions such as reduced back motion, diminished activity levels, and chronic muscle spasms related to scar tissue from surgery. There are numerous causes of back and neck pain, please consult with our physician to see what treatment option is appropriate for your condition.
Bone marrow derived stem cell therapy offers an exciting option for relief from debilitating back pain. Avoid surgery and pain medications with this minimally-invasive treatment.
Hip pain is also very common condition affecting many of us. Thorough history and location of pain gives some clues about possible causes of hip pain.
Among many causes of hip pain, following causes of hip pain can be successfully targeted through Stem cell therapy.
Articular cartilage injury
Labral tears
Bone marrow derived stem cell therapy offers an exciting option for relief from debilitating hip pain. Avoid surgery and pain medications with this minimally-invasive treatment.